Over on Jude's second blog 'What if?' people are revisiting crazy quilting and doing things in a non-traditional way, with unusual fabrics and getting some great results. I even had a go myself! I asked:-
what if the block had no seams at all?
what if the colours were subtle with a matt finish instead of shiny or glitzy?
what if it was made from woollen felt and woollen tops using an embellisher?
and worked from the back, but embroidered - minimally - on the front?
Finally - being ever pragmatic, what do I do with it now?
Any suggestions?
This looks great - it looks like (fluffy) stained glass! im with you on the subtle colours and non -glitzyness.
I am wondering what to do with my what if samples too... perhaps you could put a border and make it intoa cushion or a panel in a felted handbag. (pretty boring suggestions i know)
Ohhh. I like too.. maybe a note book cover, journal page, add it into a larger piece ??
Why don't you frame it?
Linda (no blog)
Use it as a book cover or put it into a fabric book that you can make for your samples.
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