It has been a little while, but I'm back! No matter how good hospital care may be, or even the loving TLC of a family member - there is no place like home. One's own bed, the food one prefers to eat, one's own space and bits and pieces, and dogs home from the kennels. Returned here on Sunday last, with my daughter for company and to stop me doing things I should not, though am sorely tempted. So - I'm being waited on hand and foot, being driven around, meals cooked, washing done and hung etc etc. Think I could get very used to it but reality will hit when she returns to Melbourne on Friday and I shall still need to go gently. I plan lots of sewing, and am still to do the February TIF challenge......I'm afraid it will be a bit late though it is not the end of the month just yet.
No trip to any town nearby would not be complete without a scavenge in every Op shop, and we have done well. I purchased this tapestry frame for $4, thinking I could give it to a friend newly interested in needlework, but may keep it.....just in case I need another! It came with a partially completed piece of work, a cushion I think, done in a single strand crewel wool on fairly fine canvas. Perhaps it came from a deceased estate, or the lady who worked it just become fed up with the small scale of the piece. It would have looked superb when complete.

What to do with the canvas? It was a bit grubby and tea stained, and not likely that I would complete it, but my dear daughter needed a cover for her new MP3 player - a very neat device about which I new nothing but is an example of the technology of ever shrinking electronic wizardry. It measures less than an ATC. Anyway I cut and finished raw edges, completed a few stitches, covered places where the stitches were likely to unravel, lined it with woolen felt and finished it with a vintage button. I think it looks great!

glad to see you back and on the mend, I'll tell them at G/Fields tomorrow
Glad to see you back and on the mend. Take care and enjoy your recuperation with lots of sewing.
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