In the absence of news of new quilting or other clever creations, and just to keep your interest - this is the other canine friend with whom I share my life. Bella came to live with me about six years ago when she was maybe twelve months old, after some time at the North Melbourne Lost Dogs Home. Her history and her antecedents are unknown but my guess is that she is a designer dog, perhaps a poodle crossed with a terrier of some sort and probably bought on a whim from a pet shop as she would have been a very cute puppy. She is a bolter and a wanderer who runs away if given half a chance, so I presume that is why she was lost in the first place and not claimed again by her previous owners. Although an affectionate, clever and very loyal hound, she still considers an open gate an invitation to head for the horizon, ignoring all instruction to come back while she chases the cats next door or kangaroos that may be browsing nearby. Kangaroos can kill dogs and she had one lucky escape shortly after we moved here, so she must be confined to the large fenced back yard, always exercised on a lead, and tethered on a line if I want her with me as I work around the property. Recently we visited friends who have a two acre block that has dog proof fencing so Bella and Maggie were able to run free while we were there. It was a joy to see.
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