I’ve been busy with the Studio Journal course, and hope to post some photos soon. By the way, Sharon has renamed and moved her blog, so it is now called Pin Tangle and still contains all her previous posts and information about stitches, tutorials, challenges and classes.
There has not been much sewing done here recently, as the garden has needed my attention and there have been visitors, but I have completed this prototype of a small bag just big enough to carry car keys and glasses – ideal when visiting neighbours for our Friday night drinks! It was made with a piece knitted in gorgeous silk yarn on huge needles, then machine embellished onto black felt, with added silk velvet bits embellished from front and back. The small velvet pieces still shed fibres, and I think it could have been improved with a bit of hand stitching.....so the next one might be different....
I spotted a moving brown blob in a distant part of the property the other day, and when I realised what it was, grabbed the camera and took these photos. This is Australia’s answer to an anteater, the Echidna, a mammal that lays eggs. This one was quite large, moved very quickly, and responded to being disturbed rapidly burying itself in the ground.

" Go away ........no one can see me so I'm not really here.........."
It did the same thing when I found it in a different spot yesterday.
Wow, love the echidna photos. When I saw one crossing a road, got out of the car and followed it accross the road, and totally forgot I had the camera in my hand!
Congratulations on the milestone in your blogging career! And also on your beautiful bag. The silk knitted up wonderfully. The echidna pictures are stunning. They're the closest I'll probably ever get to an echidna in it's natural environment! Something really special.
Happy 200th, and that's a cool bag!
Does the Echidna have spines/quills like a porcupine?It looks that way in the photographs.Congratulations on the 200th post.
congratulations. i like the new header. and the bag. Ive never seen an echinda in the wild.
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