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A gardening quilter living in country Victoria
I was quite pleased with these, and can understand how people become hooked on dyeing stuff. I love the mottled woollen fabric, and can imagine something stitched in the matching woollen yarn. No doubt with practice one learns the way dyes react with each other, and with careful discipline and record keeping can predict and replicate colours. For me at present it is definitely hit or miss, and I fear today's efforts may be less appealing - the fabric is still soaking and looks a bit sludgy!
Papaver orientale, a perennial Oriental Poppy and its hairy bud. This flower is about 5 inches across.
Papaver somniferum - I have these big voluptuous things in pink, purple and white, some single blooms and some with double frilly petals. A relative of those that are the source of opium, and I'm never sure if it is legal to grow them, but I have done so for years, and love the seed pods almost as much as the flowers!
I keep bags of potting mix in an old plastic rubbish bin near my potting table, and this afternoon, when I went to get some mix in which to plant some Helebore seeds, I found this tiny frog in the bin - it was only about an inch long from nose to tail. The bin's lid is slightly broken, and there is a small hole thorough which I guess it comes and goes. I left him in peace once I had taken this shot.