In 1981 no-one went anywhere on the night this amazing serial of Evelyn Waugh's classic novel was screened on ABC television for the first time. I remember it as being like nothing I had seen before, a captivating story set in the 1920's in the most wonderfully beautiful places, with actors of great reputation and no expense spared by Grenada who produced it. According to the reference above the cost at that time was officially more than four million pounds, and despite various criticisms represented "quality British television". It is supposedly full of symbolism - religious, nostalgia for things past, wealth, class differences, homosexual passion, Waugh's mysogeny and a heap more. I have wanted to see it again for years, and thankfully ABC2 is at long last screening it again. Having just watched the second episode, it is every bit as good as I remember - despite the criticisms of the past and the wisdom gained since I was first entranced.
Today's roses.........and yes, all my roses are chosen for fragrance as well as colour and form.
Apricot Nectar
Windrush - a climbing David Austin
1 comment:
i loved Brideshead too. i am thinking of getting a set top box for xmas just so we canb get ABC2
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