The three churches in this small town behaved in a very ecumenical manner today when they held a combined fete on the local football oval and most of the residents attended. For a gold coin donation one could visit stalls selling various old or crafty stuff, excellent cakes, jams and marmalade, home grown pot plants and old books. There were snacks and a sausage sizzle, and one could chat to Police horses or listen to the Police Pipe Band - who by the way, were wearing kilts on this chilly morning. There was a wood chop competition for the lads and their dads, and the blessing of pets by the Priests in attendance. For some more dollars the brave could be strapped into a safety harness and then go for a ride in a basket to the top of an enormous crane and admire the view. I spotted some sheep on the back of a trailer, not sure what they were going to do, but was assured that they were not waiting for the barbecue. I bought a good looking jar of lemon marmalade, and as they were not with me, my dogs remain unblessed.
The best bit happened after I returned home - there was a loud noise on the horizon and then the RAAF Roulettes appeared overhead. As I'm only a kilometre or so from the oval, it was almost as if they were performing above my house. They flew back and forth in formation, and performed a few other special manouvers that I can't name, but it was most impressive. I imediately thought of my Father who was a pilot and flying instructor in the Royal Air Force and how much he might have enjoyed it.
The best bit happened after I returned home - there was a loud noise on the horizon and then the RAAF Roulettes appeared overhead. As I'm only a kilometre or so from the oval, it was almost as if they were performing above my house. They flew back and forth in formation, and performed a few other special manouvers that I can't name, but it was most impressive. I imediately thought of my Father who was a pilot and flying instructor in the Royal Air Force and how much he might have enjoyed it.

1 comment:
what a delightful 'fete' indeed! It sounds so very different from a Southern California fair.
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