Monday 28 January 2008

Surprise socks

Today was the first time I have ventured into the garden to work and to gently test the shoulder that has been giving me grief, since before Christmas. I can report that the cortisone injection has been wonderfully successful, the effect seems to be lasting and I once more have full movement in my joint. I'm delighted to say the least. Anyway, I have tidied my vegetable patch, spread horse manure and mulch, consigned the dead plants in my nursery area to the compost heap, and poured water from my overflowing rainwater tank onto my struggling new trees. When will it rain again??

I had just come inside for lunch when I heard the loud throaty burble of big motor bikes coming along the dirt road and was about to mutter rude things about those who ride for hours in the nearby forests and disturb the residents, wildlife and quiet afternoons, when the bikes turned into my drive way and I realised it was my son and D-in-L.

A total surprise as they usually come by car bringing two more dogs, but had decided to enjoy the fine day and a gentle ride in the country. I had not seen them since the New Year as they have been on holiday in Tasmania, so it was great to catch up and hear of their adventures. They also brought me pressies - two pairs of super woollen socks and some leg/arm warmers in wonderful blended blues and greens, my favourite colours. A splendid gift considering my tendency to cold feet and chilblains during winter here. Aren't they beautiful?

Some will know I have a small collection of owls, and this is my latest addition. A sturdy fellow purchased at Fryerstown on Saturday. Now named Wilbur, he is about nine inches tall, probably made of plaster but he looks like he is made of limestone and has a date (1980) on his behind that indicates he may be quite a wise old bird. Bellardo is also etched into the base, so perhaps that was who made him. I guess I shall never know, and it doesn't really matter. Wilbur is currently guarding my front door, but might move to a better more appropriate spot if I think of one!

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