Wednesday 18 June 2008

Busy is as busy does..........

This is just a note of appreciation to all of those who take the time to read my Blog and to leave comments about my various pieces of work or photos or whatever. It is very much appreciated, even if I am not able acknowledge it at the time. One has the best of intentions to blog regularly, about things of interest, show photos of successful projects, respond to comments and generally keep it all happening, but sometimes life just gets in the way and then it is a too bit late or redundant as the moment has passed. I guess it is a reflection of the busy lives we can lead, which is good - and bad. Today is no exception - I spent a great day at the Embroiderer's Guild with wonderful creative women, then arrived home to an invitation to join others tonight in welcoming friends home from a month in Europe - a lovely evening spent enviously hearing their tales and adventures. I think I must stay home all day tomorrow, or else the dogs will forget what I look like, and I shall run out of clean clothes!

1 comment:

jude said...

hey thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog.....