Sharon's concept for TIF this month relates to one's stash of textile materials, fabrics, threads or whatever, purchased or scavenged - they can tell a story, they can be used to tell different story, or they can be used to make something new and thus take on a different meaning.
Now, I really am not sure what to make of this or how best to tackle the challenge..........sure, my stash has a history, I am sure I could find brown pieces from the very first real quilt I made in about 1980 something, a great many of my favourite Liberty fabrics have been scrounged from Op shops over the years, as well as other vintage fabrics, like feed sacks from the 1930s - all could tell a story if they could speak, or I could make one up. As Sharon also said, a stash is full of endless possibilities, and oddly, because of this I am sometimes reluctant to cut into something special in case it does not work out and the opportunity for creating a wonderful piece is lost.
Each month so far I have made a journal sized quilt for TIF, and have used both the concept or the colours at different times. My preference is for the concept, it is more of a challenge, but I will have to think long and hard about this one. The alternative, the colours, are these, which came from her photo of a pile of old sinks at a tip. My first impression is that they are a bit like army camouflage colours...........but I might come up with something more inspired in time.
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