There has been a lot of chat on another list about leaders and enders, and the great way one can piece a quilt without trying too hard. Not knowing too much about idea, I checked out the site mentioned - Quiltville- and decided to give it a go. I have cut up a zillion two and a half inch squares and am busy leading and ending my piecing for my other quilt with a pair of them. It seems very easy, and already there is a growing pile of blue (surprise, surprise!) and creamy coloured bits - I would love to end up with enough to do one like this as made by Bonnie Hunter of that site:-
More blues - Aquilegia are among my favourite perennials in the garden - their feathery leaves and tall stalks of fairy like flowers fill any corner with colour. They cross fertilise and self sow, so next year there might be another variation in colour or shape, an added bonus.

And finally - the fickleness of the financial world - today's graph - fingers crossed for all those watching it.......

Love the quilt. I save all my tiny scraps like that...cut up into square of whatever size they can be, sorted into boxes. So when I need a small piece or want a scrap quilt...voila it is there. Love the spring garden. It's fun to see when we are already having snow! And thanks for the reminder of a economy trying to be better. Our auto fuel prices here have dropped quite a bit. Hallelujah! Happy stitching today.
Great news for those with investments. Love your aquilegia. Were amongst my favourites, too, when we lived in a cooler climate. Such a dainty flower, like little fairies in different coloured skirts. Look forward to seeing your leaders and enders quilt.
The aquilegia are beautiful! So you think a zillion squares will be enough... looks like a zillion and a half are in that quilt LOL Very ambitious undertaking, if it were me, I think I would ne forever in the "lead" stage with this one LOL Love the upswing of the graph...
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